
Cannabis Retail

Puff, Puff, Pass On The Shirts: Western Mass Strip Club Wants To Convert To Topless Dispensary Puff, Puff, Pass On The Shirts: Western Mass Strip Club Wants To Convert To Topless Dispensary
Puff, Puff, Pass On The Shirts: Western Mass Strip Club Wants To Convert To Topless Dispensary The owners of a Franklin County strip club say they have big plans for the site once they reopen. Instead of nude dancers and beer, they want to have topless saleswomen and marijuana.  Nicholas Spagnola, a co-owner of Club Castaway in Whately, spoke with the town's selectboard earlier this month to unveil his revolutionary plan to carve out a "niche" in the fast-growing cannabis retail space.  “Our goal would be to operate a topless dispensary and to remove nude dancing and alcohol from the license,” Spagnola said.  Spagnola and his business partner Julius Sokol bought …