

Mike Nevelson, Renowned Sculptor Who Lived In New Fairfield, Dies Mike Nevelson, Renowned Sculptor Who Lived In New Fairfield, Dies
Mike Nevelson, Renowned Sculptor Who Lived In New Fairfield, Dies A sculptor known for his "graven images" who once lived in New Fairfield has died. Mike "Myron Irving" Nevelson died Monday, June 3 in Acworth, New Hampshire. He was 97. Nevelson was known for his anthropomorphic wooden sculptures often based on furniture styles, e.g. grandfather clocks and jewelry chests.  An excellent raconteur, for hours he would entertain friends and family with stories from his world travels and voracious interest in world history. Mike Nevelson is survived by his wife, Marianne Wierenga-Nevelson; his three daughters Neith Nevelson (Robert McKnight), Elsbeth Nev…