New Fairfield Nursery Specializes in Local Plants New Fairfield Nursery Specializes in Local Plants
New Fairfield Nursery Specializes in Local Plants For NATIVE, a new plant nursery in Fairfield, “locally grown” are words to live by. Ideal for novice to expert gardener, the new nursery promises plants that beautify, satisfy, and keep the environment healthy. Owner William L. Kenny has lived or worked in Fairfield for more than 20 years and has more than 30 years of experience in site and environmental planning and construction. Kenny is a Certified Professional Wetland Scientist, a Soil Scientist, Certified Organic Land Care Professional and Registered Landscape Architect.  As a landscape architect and ecological scientist, he uses and o…
Water Main Replacement Project In Westport Will Cause Road Closures Water Main Replacement Project In Westport Will Cause Road Closures
Water Main Replacement Project In Westport Will Cause Road Closures Motorists planning on traveling through Westport may see detours for several months as contracting crews get set to begin an extensive water main replacement project that will bring “rolling” road closures to the area. The Aquarion Water Company has notified Westport officials that its contractor, True Blue Construction has scheduled the Myrtle Avenue water main replacement project on Monday, April 2, leading to several road closures. The project is expected to be completed in mid to late July, according to Westport police. Construction will take place from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through …
Expect Delays: Route 35 Road Work Resumes In Ridgefield Expect Delays: Route 35 Road Work Resumes In Ridgefield
Expect Delays: Route 35 Road Work Resumes In Ridgefield Motorists planning on traveling on Danbury Road (Route 35) through Ridgefield can expect delays this week as contracting crews complete work in the area. The Connecticut State Department of Transportation informed town officials over the weekend that there will be alternate one-way traffic on Route 35 between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on Monday and Tuesday at the Fox Hills Condo entrance. There will also be delays and alternate one-way traffic from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Wednesday and Thursday for construction. Officials said that minor traffic impacts are expected, and motorists should plan according…
Traffic Advisory Issued For Danbury Traffic Advisory Issued For Danbury
Traffic Advisory Issued For Danbury On or about April 1, the City of Danbury will begin replacing the Reservoir Street bridge that crosses over the creek near the Bethel town line.  During construction, traffic will be limited to one lane.  Portable signals will be installed to control traffic.  At about the mid point of the three-month project, Reservoir Street will be closed completely in both directions for about two weeks, Bethel officials said.  Notices will be posted in advance of the street's shutdown. Bethel commuters are advised to seek an alternate route during construction. The project is scheduled to end by the…