Stamford Celebrates India's Independence

As Stamford marked the 63rd anniversary of India's independence, Ravi Dhingra and Shailesh Naik spoke Saturday on the implications – both direct and indirect – of that nation's hard-fought freedom from British rule.

"Today we celebrate the triumph of numerous martyred souls who gave their lives so we could dream," Naik, president of the Connecticut Chapter of the Global Organization of People of Indian Origin, said at the event at the Government Center.

Dhingra, the organization's vice president, said the achieved freedoms and "continuing struggles of peoples all over the world" also must be remembered as they celebrate India's independence.

In addition to speakers, the event included dancing, singing and the raising of the Indian flag by Mayor Michael A. Pavia. More than 175 people attended, including members of the Mayor's Multicultural Council and Consul Pramod Bajaj from the Consulate General of India in New York. Lt. Gov. Michael Fedele of Stamford sent an official citation, which Naik read.

India became in independent nation 63 years ago, at two minutes past the stroke of midnight Aug. 15, 1947. The long and difficult struggle was marked by revolts and civil disobedience. This is the fourth year Stamford has celebrated the birth India as a democratic nation.

"It's important for us to have the kids be exposed to their culture," Stamford resident Rama Ramachandran said. "Although they're growing up here, they know that their roots are in India."

Ramachandran's wife, Beena, taught a group of youngsters two patriotic Indian songs that they performed in Hindi.

In his remarks, Pavia thanked the Indian community for supporting him during his mayoral run.

"I think the Indian people are wonderful people," Pavia said after the ceremony, adding that Saturday's event highlighted Stamford's diversity.

"It's a celebration of the multicultural mosaic we have in the city of Stamford."


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