Stamford's Future 5 Turns Lives Around

Clif McFeely started Stamford-based Future 5 on the premise that everyone usually has five people in their life who hold them back. The answer, the former ad man said, was to find five people who would help lift them up.

McFeely used to make his living marketing to young people using teen research panels to learn what kids wanted. He has also been a Big Brother mentor for 15 years and saw a connection between his professional skills and his personal interest in helping young people.

“Through all of this, I learned that most kids who aren’t making it in the world don’t have the needed support systems in their lives to help them plan out their future,”  the New Canaan resident says.

“The first part of the plan is for each student to understand what their current situation is and why it is the way it is,” says McFeely. “Together, we add on the things they need to do personally in order to get out of the rut they’re in and onto a new more positive path.”

Started last year, the program now helps about 60 young people. The coaches are volunteers who bring their own skills and experiences to the table.

To illustrate how well the program is working, there are now several recent graduates who plan to give back to  new participants.

Paul Yumbla and Andrea Lopez both graduated from Future 5 and Westhill High School last year, and both now attend UConn Stamford. As the new year begins, both will become coaches to sophomores and juniors who are looking to plan their lives.

Anyone interested in becoming a Future 5 coach should  contact the organization through its website 


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