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Number Of Bears Breaking Into CT Homes Rises Amid New Concerns After Attack On Boy Number Of Bears Breaking Into CT Homes Rises Amid New Concerns After Attack On Boy
Number Of Bears Breaking Into CT Homes Rises Amid New Concerns After Attack On Boy State wildlife officials are urging residents to take care when it comes to black bears with more home entries on the rise and on the heels of the attack of a 10-year-old boy. So far this year, there have been 65 entries into homes -- the highest since 2004 -- with damage done to 286 structures, including homes, said officials with the state Department of Energy and Environmental Protection. Black bears have also destroyed some 796 bird feeders; attacked 24 pets; 146 livestock; 1,234 garbage cans, and 24 vehicles.  And while we may smile when we all see fun photos of bears, DEEP says …