Mother/Realtor Knows Best

"It's so cute!" Every woman who walked into the open house at 14 Greenwood Avenue in Darien seemed to have the same reaction. Listing agent Cathy Thomas wasn't surprised. "It's charming, but very clean," she says of the stone front cape's carefully renovated interior. "The women love the colors and the details, the men love the mechanics." (One of this home's winning high-tech features: radiant heat floors.) 

Cathy appreciates where her clients are coming from. "I've always been obsessed with houses," she says, though she never planned on becoming a realtor. Her previous career was in ad sales for the Walt Disney Company, but she found her job to be too time-consuming after her now ten-year-old son was born. It was her own real estate agent who suggested Cathy sell houses instead of ads. "I was driving my agent crazy asking her to take me to this house and that house," says Cathy. "Finally she said, 'Why don't you just get your license?'" 

Her job with Halstead has been "a good fit," though it's not as convenient, schedule-wise, as some people make it out to be. 

"People say, 'Oh, real estate is so great for moms, you can make your own hours,'" she says. "But the truth is you are on-call 24/7. You have to be there for your clients 100%. I don't care if you're on vacation or your kid is sick...doesn't matter!"

With four bedrooms, two baths, and an uncommonly bright refinished basement, the Greenwood Ave house is a mom's dream. The eat-in kitchen features a built-in banquette, and there are built-in bookshelves throughout the home - a huge plus for any family. A Darien resident who lived in New York City for years, Cathy can't get over the storage options. "These closets are huge!" she says. "I would've given my right arm for just one closet this big in the city."

Though you might not guess it from the street, the house has a large backyard and deck big enough for barbecues and birthday parties. Asking price is $725,000. To schedule an appointment, call Cathy at 203-656-6584. 

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