Big House, Little House is Her Motto

Wanted:  high energy individuals, willing to work 7 days a week, evenings included, no guaranteed income.  Sounds like a description of Roseanne Forslund, one of Coldwell Bankers' top associates.  Must also be extremely professional, well-dressed and computer savvy. 

Who, you might ask, would ever sign up for this job.  “No guaranteed income?”  Is this some kind of joke?  Actually, you probably know quite a few folks who fit into this category --  it’s the hard-working people who help us buy and sell our homes.  Yes, your friendly realtor!

Drive through Wilton and Norwalk and chances are you’ll see Roseanne Forslund’s name hanging at the bottom of the Coldwell Banker signs.  Roseanne has been a force in the real estate market for over 25 years and, as she says, “I’ve seen it all.’

Roseanne moved to Wilton in 1979 and was a stay-at-home mom, keeping busy on the PTA and play date circuit.  A friend encouraged her to look for a part-time job to get her out of the house.  “I remember saying to her, but what can I do?  I’d been out of the job market for so long and I didn’t think anyone would hire me,” she told me.  The friend opened the local paper at the classified section and found a listing for a Girl Friday in a Real Estate office.  Roseanne made the call, had an interview and was hired on the spot.  In 1984 she got her real estate license, and so began a long career that has given Roseanne immense satisfaction.

“I’ve worked through high and low markets.  When I first started in the business, mortgage rates were as high as 14%.  The last big crash, in 1987, took about 10 years to correct itself.  I’ve learned that in this business you have to have patience.” 

Patience is perhaps the most important asset a realtor can have in this buyers’ market.  With so many houses available, it’s the buyers who are driving sales.  “I’m finding that people have suddenly become much more practical,” Roseanne continued.  “Whereas a few years ago, people would go into a house and want to change everything, build additions, put in new kitchens and bathrooms, today’s buyers want everything to be perfect.  If a house isn’t in move-in condition, it’s a more difficult sell.  Funky houses and antiques just aren’t as popular as they were a few years ago.”

Ask Roseanne what she likes most about her job and there is no hesitation.  “It’s all about the people.  My customers become like family.  I have to know all about them in order to help them find their ideal house.”  The fact that Roseanne has numerous repeat customers is testament to her professionalism.  She’s had 12 real estate transactions over the years with just one customer!  "I realized early on that in order to be successful I had to devote the same professionalism to the customer buying his first condo as to the customer buying a multimillion dollar home.  Big House, Little House has been the motto I live by."

Along the way there have been some interesting experiences.  “I had one client who had just got divorced.  After I sold the ex-couple’s large house in Wilton, the wife asked me to help her buy a house for her ex-husband, who didn’t have time to find his own place.  She even organized his move for him!”

Roseanne Forslund has been one of the top Coldwell Banker associates and a member of the International President’s Elite since 2000, a testament to her commitment to her clients.  The rare times she's not working, Roseanne enjoys gardening at her new home in the Silvermine section of Norwalk, playing bridge and skiing.  You can find Roseanne through the Wilton office of Coldwell Banker.

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