Norwalk Officers, Suspect Hurt In Chase

NORWALK, Conn. – A Bridgeport man who suffered several injuries in the course of being pursued and arrested last week by Norwalk Police officers was released from Norwalk Hospital Monday after being kept in the intensive care unit for several days, Chief Thomas Kulhawik said. He was released on $10,000 bond.

Cody Greene, 21, of 205 Washington Avenue, Bridgeport ran from Special Services officers Thursday just as they were about to pat him down because of his suspicious behavior, according to the affidavit filed in Norwalk Superior Court. Greene was reportedly injured when he jumped over a chain link fence, losing his footing when he landed 15 feet below. He then ran toward Officer Steven Luciano, who punched Greene because he did not have time to deploy his Taser and suspected that Greene was armed and on PCP, the affidavit said.

Greene was kept in intensive care after he was injured Wednesday because he was intubated and sedated, Kulhawik said. The chief said he believes that is standard procedure at Norwalk Hospital under those conditions.

Norwalk Hospital spokespersons did not return a call for comment.

Greene's attorney, Michael Skiber, declined to describe Greene's injuries but said they are "significant" and potentially permanent. He hoped that Kulhawik would investigate.

"Anytime force is issued on anyone, we review that closely," Kulhawik said. "If there's injuries sustained we'll review it to an even higher level and that's what we'll do in this case as well. We haven't officially received the civilian complaint from them but we're going to reach out to his attorney to interview him, and request medical records to determine his injuries."

Greene is an ex-Marine, whose father and grandfather are supporters of the Norwalk Police Department, Kulhawik said. He had $133 in cash on him when he was arrested, according to Kulhawik. Police believe he threw 18 bags of marijuana into a basement window well as he ran during the chase.

According to the affidavit, officers spotted Greene in the School Street Norwalk Housing Authority project at about 8:40 p.m. while they were on a routine patrol.  The affidavit said that Greene saw the officers and began to walk briskly away from them, grasping onto his waistband in a manner that police recognized as a possible attempt to hold a gun. He then knocked on an apartment door, the affidavit said, but told the officers who approached him that he was visiting a cousin who lived next door, then he threw his hands up and said, "It's all good, my dad's a state trooper."

Greene ran up School Street, Main Avenue and North Avenue without regard for the traffic in the area and was almost hit by a car, the affidavit said. He continued to clutch his waistband, as if he had a gun, as Officers Felipe Taborda, Julio Rodriguez and Adam Mulkern chased him, according to the affidavit. Greene jumped the fence and was limping after landing badly in the rocks and debris at the bottom, the affidavit said, and Rodriguez fired a Taser at him, but only one dart made contact.

Luciano had stayed behind on Main Avenue, according to the affidavit. He heard officers yelling at Greene to stop, the affidavit said, and heard a pop he recognized as a Taser. He believed that Greene was probably on PCP because he had been Tased and had not been subdued, the affidavit said.

Luciano jumped the fence at Midas Muffler at 102 Main Street and saw Greene running toward him quickly, the affidavit said. Greene was 3 feet away when Luciano regained his balance. Luciano tackled Greene, the affidavit said, and Luciano punched him three or four times in the face as Greene was trying to reach behind himself and ignoring commands to stop. Luciano hit Greene's face with his elbow and was able to get control of him, according to the affidavit.

Greene fought with hospital staff, was put in four-point restraints as he kept trying to take off his neck brace and was sedated, the affidavit said. Three officers were injured, according to the affidavit: Mulkern received stitches for a 2-inch laceration sustained when he tripped on a 2-foot high fence while chasing Greene, Taborda injured his hamstring in the chase and Luciano had a laceration on his left hand and a bruise on his right hand.

"In the initial review of the reports it appears that everything was done appropriately," Kulhawik said. The officers involved have excellent records, he said, adding, "All of them have always been very professional and respectful in everything they have done."

Green was charged with interfering with an officer, assault on an officer, criminal trespass third degree, illegal manufacture/distribution/sale of prescription drugs, possession of less than four grams of marijuana and sale/possession within distance of a school. Bond was originally set at $50,000 but reduced by Judge Maureen Dennis during a bedside arraignment at the hospital.

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