Harriet Tubman Posts Are Hoax, Says Norwalk Diner Owner

NORWALK, Conn. -- The owner of an East Norwalk diner is adamantly denying any connection to racist tweets about abolitionist Harriet Tubman, according to multiple media reports.

Anti-slavery activist Harriet Tubman is to appear on the front of the $20 bill, the U.S. Treasury Department announced Wednesday. The owner of a diner in East Norwalk is denying any connection to racist posts about Tubman, calling them a total hoax.

Anti-slavery activist Harriet Tubman is to appear on the front of the $20 bill, the U.S. Treasury Department announced Wednesday. The owner of a diner in East Norwalk is denying any connection to racist posts about Tubman, calling them a total hoax.

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

The Twitter posts that were attributed to Penny’s Diner III went out Wednesday after U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew announced that Tubman, who led hundreds of enslaved people to freedom, would replace Andrew Jackson on the front of the $20 bill.

The tweets implied that it was hard to tell the difference between Tubman and other African-Americans, according to the Connecticut Post.

David Koskerides, owner of the eatery, said that he was horrified by the derogatory posts and that the Twitter account was fake, the Connecticut Post reported.

Koskerides has filed a complaint with police and has contacted a lawyer in the hopes, he said, of finding out who actually sent the fraudulent tweets, the Connecticut Post story said.

The diner has been blitzed with angry phone calls and comments on social media since the posts appeared, according to a report by

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