Commuter Council Wants Hearings on Rail Hikes

The head of the Connecticut Rail Commuter Council says Metro-North riders "are tired of being a convenient target for tax increases because [they] have no alternative to taking the train." 

Council Chairman Jim Cameron has called on legislative leaders to hold public hearings on Gov. Dannel Malloy's plan to impose a 15 percent increase for Metro-North tickets, a 14 percent increase for Shore Lind East and elimination of weekend service on the latter. He's also encouraging commuters to call, write and e-mail their state representative and state senator to enlist their support for hearings.

"Lawmakers need to hear from the 110,000 daily riders of Metro-North before they enact these measures," said Cameron. "And those hearings need to be held at a time and a place where commuters, most of whom work in New York City, can attend."

The Council has written to Speaker of the House Chris Donovan and Senate President Pro Tempore Donald Williams to hold hearings that could block implementation of the governor's plan. "These fare hikes are unjustified," Cameron said. Commuters weren't too happy last week when it was announced that the price of Metro-North tickets would be going up as a way to cut the state deficit.

What do you think of the proposed increase in Metro-North prices? Tell us in the comments below.

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