Chris Murphy Bids For Lieberman's Seat

U.S. Rep. Chris Murphy wants to move up to the Senate. The 5th District Democrat said Thursday that he will seek the U.S. Senate seat held by Joseph Lieberman, who announced Wednesday that he will not seek re-election in 2012.

Murphy, a Cheshire resident, won 12-term U.S. Rep. Nancy Johnson’s seat in 2006 "by knocking on doors." In a video release, Murphy said that's how he hopes to win Lieberman's spot.

He’ll face stiff competition. On Tuesday, former Connecticut secretary of the state Susan Bysiewicz, a Democrat, announced her bid for the seat, and U.S. Rep. Joe Courtney, D-2nd District, is also rumored to have his sights on the position.

Murphy said in a statement that he "decided to run for the United States Senate in 2012 because I believe that I can be a stronger voice for the issues that matter to Connecticut, like creating good jobs and ending these costly wars."

Who would you like to see take Lieberman's seat? 

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