Stir Crazy Moms Fill School-Free Hours

“We’re going extremely crazy!” Lori Landers spoke for many area moms when we talked with her at the Maritime Aquarium in Norwalk on Tuesday afternoon. Post-storm school closings have left parents like Lori, mom to 7-year-old Zane and 5-year-old Odin, with far too many free hours to fill--productively, anyway.

“Honestly, they’ve been on the computer a lot,” Lori said when asked how her boys have been spending their days off. And eating. Both sets of grandparents are without power and have temporarily moved into Lori’s house, thawed food and all.

“We had to get out, and our first choice was the Aquarium--we love sharks,” Lori said. “And spiny dogfish!” said Zane, as he and his brother ran around in circles.

Eight-year-old Katie and 9-year-old Patrick of Riverside, their faces pressed up against the giant turtle tank, seemed just fine with their week thus far. Before the Aquarium, they’d been bowling. But their bleary-eyed nanny, Lenka, seemed less than thrilled.“You have to keep them busy,” she said.

At nearby Stepping Stones, Norwalk resident Abbey Correa had a similar story.“We’re just trying to get out of the house, get them tired so maybe they’ll take a nap,” she said. She squatted on the floor next to her one-year-old son Jonas, who entertained himself by pushing yellow dump trucks. Then she checked to be sure that 7-year-old daughter Kiara hadn’t run out of sight. “I’m praying school is open tomorrow,” she said. 

She’s not alone. And the schools are still closed

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