My New Attitude of Gratitude about Power

Today, Wednesday, it's sunny with blue skies, but here in Westport we’re in Day 5  without power. It feels like a siege. The power is supposed to be back by midnight tonight. Whenever it happens, I thought I'd make a list of three things I'll be especially grateful for. (Oprah would approve!)

A long break from take-out food. First because there isn't any kind we eat that isn't fattening. Second, my thrifty mentality vetoes throwing any leftovers away. But we can't save them since our fridge is on hiatus. So I find myself finishing everyone's leftovers.. (Funny, no one else volunteers.) This compulsion not to waste ... has gone right to my ... waist.

Second, a dry basement again--and quickly. Our sump pumps run on electricity. When they stopped chugging, the run-off from the heavy rains ran right into our--and lots of other people’s--basement. We wound up with about a foot of water. It was finally pumped yesterday. And though there's no more moving water down there, it’s still pretty dank. It needs to dry out quickly. Quickly enough so that the fast-growing flora --and fauna--can’t get a foothold.

 And third, yes, I’ll be grateful for the familiar hum of our computers, TVs and all things electronic. The microwave has been especially missed. My teenage son’s idea of hell is having me suggest that he go read a book--with a flashlight, of course. 

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