Moms and Kids Spend Mornings In

Once upon a time, your idea of a hip social haunt was the newest wine bar or hottest dance club. Now that you’re a mom, all you want is a place to hang out where no one will be offended if your two-year-old dumps Cheerios on the floor and throws a screaming fit. That’s exactly the type of low-key location Leah Kennedy was looking for when she first moved to Darien.“I didn’t know anyone here, and I had this six-month-old baby girl,” she says. “I was lonely and needed to get out of the house!”

After a little bit of research, Leah found out about “Moms Morning In” at the Darien Community Association, which attracts moms from other towns as well. Every Friday at 10 a.m., mothers and toddlers meet in a big, airy room at the DCA for arts and crafts, live kid music, dance lessons, and a bunch of other stuff to keep kids entertained for a couple of hours. Even though her daughter was on the young end for some of the activities, Leah joined right up.“If there was a craft, I’d sit the baby on my lap and do it myself! I just needed to connect with other moms so desperately.”

Seven years and two more children later, Leah is the Volunteer Head of MMI. Her 4-year-old and 15-month-old sons are regulars, though that first little baby who sat on her lap is far too grown-up to tag along.“I try to help her with her math homework," Leah says. "She tells me, ‘Mommy, you’re doing it wrong!’ I’m like, are you kidding? I have a degree in finance!” To find out more about MMI, call 203-655-9050. 

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