Trunk Show Helps You Get Your Sparkle On

‘Tis the season for great trunk shows, and this Wednesday, jewelry designer Jennifer Brown will be showing her unique, handmade designs from her Quattro label at the Jennifer Butler Made to Measure atelier in Fairfield. Venetian glass, gold accents and color combinations that pop are all hallmarks of Jennifer Brown’s style, and her pieces are truly one-of-a-kind.

“They’re almost edible,” Jennifer says of her pieces. “They’re so color saturated and the beads are just gorgeous. I’m a painter, which is how this all started,” she says. “I was travelling Europe, going everywhere – Italy, France, the Czech Republic – hunting down all the important works of art a painter is supposed to see. And while I was there, I ran across these amazing beads and started collecting them.”

It’s easy to see her artistry in the jewelry she creates. “Painting is all about color relationships, so beadwork and jewelry-making are a great fit for me. I’m a colorist, so I look for unexpected, interesting colors and how they can work together. And I only use genuine Murano glass, handmade in Murano, Italy. I'm really committed to making my business fair trade, and I don't use any 'imposter' beads. Ever.”

Whether you’re looking for a simple piece you can wear everyday, or an elegant standout piece for your holiday party, Jennifer’s collection has something to offer. “I like to work with leather, and add a little sparkle to it. My favorite piece right now, though, is a two-toned gold foil necklace with lots and lots of light blue beads. They way the blue and gold play off each other is just beautiful.”

Intrigued? It gets better.

Jennifer will offer wholesale prices on all her pieces at Wednesday’s trunk show, with items ranging from $30.00 to $300.00. While you’re shopping Jennifer Brown’s jewelry, make sure you check out Jennifer Butler’s collection of handmade shawls, scarves and faux fur collars, because they’ll be 20 percent off. At these prices, you can grab gifts for your glam girlfriends and have a little extra to spend on yourself.

Find all these dazzling deals Wednesday, Dec. 1, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Jennifer Butler boutique, located at 1326 Post Road in Fairfield.

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