Shocker. Demi and Ashton Give Bad Health Tips.

They're rich, famous and beautiful, and they sometimes dress in coordinated outfits. But that doesn't mean Demi and Ashton -- or any other celebrities, for that matter --  know what they're talking about when it comes to your health.

In an annual list of what it sees as the year's worst abuses against science, the Sense About Science (SAS) campaign group debunked diet and exercise suggestions made by actors, pop stars and others in the public eye in an effort "to help the celebrities realize where they are going wrong and to help the public make sense of celebrity claims." Sense About Science is an independent charitable trust that describes itself on its website as "responding to the misrepresentation of science and scientific evidence on issues that matter to society, from scares about plastic bottles, fluoride and the MMR vaccine to controversies about genetic modification, stem cell research and radiation."

Celebrity-endorsed health tips often trickle down to the dietary habits of us regular folk (not you, of course). Ashton Kutcher and his wife Demi Moore, for example, have endorsed wearing silicone bracelets that purportedly boost energy levels and contribute to overall fitness. Former supermodel Naomi Campbell touts the health benefits of a "purge," ingesting only maple syrup, pepper and lemon for several weeks in order to cleanse one's system.

In order to set straight the rich and famous, SAS published its own "easy-to-remember pointers for celebrity commentators."

* Nothing is chemical-free. Everything -- even organic substances -- is made of chemicals.

* Detox is a marketing myth. Our bodies do it without pricey potions and diets.

* There's no need to boost. Bodily functions occur without boosting.

* Energy and fitness come from food and exercise. There are no shortcuts.

Have you ever followed a celebrity-driven fad? Let me know. You can email me and I'll post it anonymously. I promise.

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