Prevent Your Car From Catching a Cold

Okay, I’m exaggerating, but you get the point. If your car is telling you something’s wrong – e.g., the check engine light is flashing – don’t ignore it.

Common problems often mean simple repairs, and delay in getting them fixed can lead to having to pull over to the side of the road in lieu of potentially dangerous driving conditions. And, just like a stuffy sinus that, left untreated, can turn into a full-blown infection, insignificant car problems can balloon into major repairs if you don’t take care of them right away.

Above all else, make sure your car is safe to drive. If you have any doubts about such things as brakes, brake lines, ball joints, tie rods, airbags, seat belts or even the integrity of your car, take it to a mechanic – or back to the dealer if it’s a relatively late model vehicle.

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