Prep Your House For Cold

With Halloween decorations in all the stores and leaves starting to fall, it's time to face the inevitable: colder weather is coming.

Here are some important things you should put on your To Do list so that your home is ready for winter.

• If you forgot to get it done in the spring, clean your chimney now. Chimney fires are caused by a build up of soot and creosote. They are easy to prevent by not burning pine logs and by having your chimney cleaned regularly.

• Have your heating system cleaned and inspected. Your service company should change the filters and make sure everything is working. You don't want to find yourself without heat when that first cold snap strikes.

• Vacuum radiator coils and baseboard heaters. If you have central air, consider having your air ducts cleaned professionally.

• Install gutter guards to prevent leaves from clogging gutters. Unless you're used to working from a ladder, hire a professional gutter company.

• Install weather stripping around leaky doors and windows.

• How's the insulation in your attic? Were you planning to add more this summer? Now's the time.

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