Perseid Meteor Shower Peaks Over Norwalk This Weekend

Fairfield and Westchester County residents who are willing to stay up late this weekend should be able to see the annual Perseid meteor shower at its peak between late night and early dawn.

Visit for breaking science news. New research from NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office identifies the Perseids as the "fireball champion" of annual meteor showers. This year's Perseid display peaks Aug. 12 and 13.

Photo Credit: scienceatnasa

Stargazers could see 50 to 100 shooting stars per hour at the meteor shower’s peak, from Aug. 10 to 13, according to Meteors of the Perseid showers are typically fast and bright, and frequently leave persistent trains, the website said. 

The Perseid shower offers a consistently high rate of meteors year after year and produces a higher percentage of bright showers than most other meteor showers, according to Also, the fact that it occurs while many people are on summer vacation and that it happens during a time when weather and temperatures are favorable, makes it one the most popular major showers to watch, the Astronomy website said.

Often referred to as “the most beloved meteor shower of the year for the Northern Hemisphere,” the Perseid shower produces the most meteors in the earliest hours before dawn, reported. 

“They radiate from a point in the constellation Perseus the Hero, but, as with all meteor shower radiant points, you don’t need to know Perseus to watch the shower; instead, the meteors appear in all parts of the sky,” the site said.

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