Local Chef: Maura O'Connor's Chicken Paprika

Every mom has many things on her “to do” list. Recently, I met with Fairfield Preparatory math teacher and mother of four, Maura O’Connor. She was kind enough to take time out of her busy schedule to share her thoughts on cooking with kids. I even talked her into sharing her secret to making chicken paprika, one of her favorite recipes.

Sabastien Laforest: What is your go-to meal when you don’t have the time to slave in the kitchen?

Maura O’Connor: Chicken with pesto over linguine.

SL: What is your favorite memory of you and your family in the kitchen?

MO:  My five siblings and me making fried chicken together. What a mess!

SL: What is your best piece of advice for any mother in the kitchen?

MO:  Get your kids to help. It teaches them how to cook and how to be self-sufficient.

SL: What is your biggest culinary fear?

MO:  That I won’t have enough food for people.

SL: What meal do you consider to be the best you have ever made?

MO:  Chicken paprika. 


Chicken Paprika

What you’ll need:

2 tbsp. shortening

1 medium onion, chopped

3 – 4 pieces of chicken breast with bone and skin

Salt and pepper to taste

Flour (for dredging)

1 ¼ cup water

Approx. 2 tbsp. paprika

1 ½ cup sour cream

1 lb. medium shells pasta



Brown onion in shortening in large saucepan. Salt and pepper chicken and roll in flour.

Brown the chicken in onions on both sides. Sprinkle both sides with paprika.

Cover chicken pieces with water.  Cover and simmer on low for about 45 – 60 minutes.

Turn chicken pieces every so often.  Add sour cream and heat through. 

Cut chicken off the bone and serve with sauce over pasta.

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