Keep the Water Flowing

Now that the leaves are off the trees, and before winter really hits, it's a good time to give your gutters a through cleaning. Properly functioning gutters and leaders are essential for moving water away from your house and preventing damp basements. (Take a look at the picture and see what can happen if you put the job off.) Leaves and debris break down and make compost right in your gutters, which provides a perfect spot for baby trees to start growing. And that’s not a good thing.

If you have no fear of heights this is a job you can tackle yourself, though hiring a local professional, like Gutter Guys of Stamford, is an excellent option. Gutter Guys can evaluate your guttering system and repair damaged or leaky gutters. They can also set you up with an annual maintenance program so that you’ll never have to worry about leaks and ice dams again.

Do you have a favorite gutter maintenance company? We’d love to hear about them. Leave a comment here, or send me an email, at

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