Hang Your Zucchinis High

Summer is zucchini time. Once these big vines get going, as they have recently with the combo of boiling hot weather and tropical rainstorms, they can take over your entire veggie patch.

Here's a tip for keeping your squash vines somewhat under control: Try growing them vertically on a trellis. Don't be surprised if you get an even bigger crop than usual!

One of my favorite things about squash plants is the gorgeous yellow blossom. The male flowers come first, followed by the females. You can spot the difference quite easily – the female blossoms have a baby zucchini or squash attached to the base. Once the flower has been fertilized by pollen from a male flower, the fruit will develop.

Squash blossoms are a staple of summer cooking in most Mediterranean countries. Here's a link to a great recipe from American Public Media

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