Fashion Weeks Go All-Access

Fashion Week strutted onto the scene last week with all the glamour and glory you’d expect. But designers also unveiled something completely new to the world of fashion, and that doesn’t happen every day.

For the first time, luxury fashion houses are granting access to their New York Fashion Week events (both on and off the catwalk) to everyone, and the trend will continue as Fashion Weeks kick off from London to Paris to Madrid. If you have a computer, you’re invited.

Gucci streamed its New York show live online for anyone who signed up to watch. Betsey Johnson took the new all-access attitude further, and allowed online viewers backstage before her show, a privilege usually only the most connected fashion insiders enjoy. The most dramatic departure from established protocol comes from Burberry. The tradition-steeped British label will forge new inroads to a brave new fashion world by inviting people to watch their London show online, and make purchases in real time.  

“Watch it, love it, buy it, before it’s in a store near you” may be fashion’s new mantra. It’s up to consumers like you to point, click and decide.

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