Dress Code Decodes the Prom Dress

Strapless? Check. Sequins? Check. A Fairfield County boutique stuffed with the hippest, hottest dresses for prom and beyond? Check.

Mary D’Anca Perkins, proprietor of Dress Code, Westport’s girliest shop, is on a mission to make sure every girl in Fairfield County finds the perfect prom dress.

“Every Monday, I go into Manhattan and hit the showrooms,” Mary says. “And I bring back new dresses every week.”

The word is out, it seems, because local girls are heading to Dress Code, a shop with less than one year on the Westport scene, in droves. “They know I’m bringing in new dresses all the time,” she says. “And I keep track of who buys what. The girls know that. They know that if they buy a dress from me, they’ll be the only one at their prom wearing it.”

Mary’s eye for style also factors into Dress Code’s prom cache. “These girls are sophisticated. I couldn’t sell a big, puffy dress here if I tried! They’re looking for shorter, more fitted dresses that show off their athletic figures.”

Apart from prom looks, Mary also stocks plenty of daytime dresses and other fanciful frocks for every occasion.

“The store is organized into three sections,” Mary explains. In the front, she has daytime dresses. The middle section is mostly for ‘tweens. And the back is stocked with evening and prom looks.

“This store is for any girl to find a dress for any event -- prom, bat mitzvah, sweet 16, Sunday brunch, graduation,” says Mary.  “Whatever the occasion, I have the dress.”

Have you found the perfect prom dress? Share your prom prep escapades here.

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