Butternut Squash Made Thankfully Easy

Shana Moredock is a superwoman. This mother of two runs her own business, tends to her toddler and three-month-old, and still finds time to cook. It’s easy to be envious, especially because she does it all with grace.

On a recent visit to her Fairfield home, she shared one of her favorite Thanksgiving recipes with me.

“It’s a really easy recipe,” she says. “It’s so easy, it’s almost like cheating. But it’s tasty!”

Any Main Street Mom knows a tasty, easy recipe is reason enough to give thanks.

Maple Roasted Butternut Squash

1 medium butternut squash, peeled and cubed

Maple syrup

Dried cranberries (handful)

Halved pecans (handful)

Place cubed butternut squash in a rimmed baking sheet and cover lightly with maple syrup. (Use only enough to coat, do not soak.) Place in oven at 400 degrees Fahrenheit and cook until soft (about 30 minutes).  Toast the pecans for 5-10 minutes.  Add toasted pecans and dried cranberries to the squash for the last 5 minutes in the oven. Serve hot.   

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