Beautiful Hair in Winter? Start in Your Kitchen

Snow on the ground may be fun for your kids, but the cold air can turn your tresses into a dull, dry mess. No doubt your stylist has a remedy: glazes, deep conditioning treatments, etc. But did you know you already have a solution right in your own kitchen?

Olive oil is all you need to get back those silky smooth locks you’re missing right about now.

No, I’m not crazy. This is a trick I’ve been using for many winters, and one that my own mother taught me. It’s quick and easy and it couldn’t be cheaper. Fifteen minutes and you’ll be back on track to soft, shiny hair.

What you’ll need:

1/3 cup olive oil (this is plenty for long hair, so if yours is shoulder length or shorter, use less oil)

Scented essential oil in a scent you like (I use lavender or jasmine)

Plastic wrap

A towel

Warm your olive oil in a saucepan on the stove, adding 20 drops of the essential oil for fragrance. This is really just to ensure you don’t end up smelling like dinner. Don’t overheat the oil. You want it warm, not hot. Once heated, pour the oil into a cup, glass -- even a gravy boat -- anything to facilitate the transfer to your hair. Standing over a sink, pour the oil onto your hair, concentrating mainly on the ends and working your way toward your scalp. Once hair is saturated, clip it to the top of your head and wrap in plastic. Wrap the towel around the plastic to help keep some heat in. Wait 15 to 20 minutes, then shampoo. If hair still feels slightly oily after the first shampoo, wash it again, but concentrate mainly on the scalp. Rinse, apply conditioner, rinse again and style as usual.

This no-fail trick to gorgeous hair can be repeated weekly all winter long.

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