Avoid Being a Statistic With Holiday Weight Gain

It’s the most fattening time of the year.

For most people, the holiday season winds up in a New Year that includes a few extra pounds. In fact, the average American gains 1 to 2 pounds during those fat-filled weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

As difficult as it might be to not overindulge, there are ways to prevent holiday weight gain. Here are some tips from the experts at Greenwich Hospital's Weight Loss & Diabetes Center:

• Set realistic expectations: Consider patterns in your weight during previous holiday periods. This is usually a time to maintain – and not lose — weight.

• Schedule downtime: If you tend to have many social events and responsibilities on your calendar, also schedule times to relax. It's equally important for your overall health.

• Plan meals and snacks in advance: It's easy to get distracted and pick up something quick and easy from a fast-food restaurant. But fast food has a high caloric cost. Instead of “Mc Anythings,” choose instead to snack on an apple, banana or small bag of nuts.

• Write it down: This applies to meals and snack schedules, as well as to a food diary of everything you eat. Review it at the end of the day and begin again the following morning.

• Ask for help: It's nice to take care of others, but not to the point where it gets in the way of eating healthfully, exercising adequately and getting enough sleep for your personal health.

• Never go to a holiday party hungry: It's a sure bet you'll overindulge on calorie-dense foods, and likely you will overeat. But don't get down on yourself for a special-occasion treat.

• Engage in mindful eating: Don't eat while multitasking. Savor each bite and focus on the joy of the flavor, appreciating every morsel.

• Drink water throughout the day and at events: People often misread the body's signals for thirst as hunger. Staying well hydrated can keep you alert, as well.

• Use exercise to relieve stress and empower you with the physical and mental energy to follow your healthy holiday plans. Take a daily walk, even if it's only for a few minutes. This will help clear your head, regain perspective, help control hunger and bump up your metabolic rate.

• Get an adequate amount of sleep: When you are tired, simple daily tasks can be a struggle. Additionally, lack of sleep triggers hormones that affect your weight and mood.

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