Arm Yourself for Winter Heat Bill Battle

Worried about high heating bills this winter? Here are some pointers on how to save energy in your home:

• Service the heating system and have the filters changed.

• An automatic thermostat can be pre-programmed to turn down the heat when you're out of the house or at night - and to turn it back up when you need it. This type of thermostat can cut heating costs significantly. 

• Make sure there are no leaks in the heating ducts. Repair torn ducts and replace flattened ducts for proper airflow.

• If you have a fireplace, remember to close the damper after the fire has died down. Leaving the damper open creates a large draft that sucks heat out of the house. • Reverse the switch on ceiling fans, especially if in rooms with high ceilings. The switch is usually a small button on the fan motor. Hot air rises so reversing the direction of the fan will force heat back down into the room. • Ask your oil company if there use additives to increase the burning efficiency of their heating oil.

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