The Classics Pop Outdoors

Don't let summer slip by without a chance to chill under the stars -- or under the clouds obscuring the stars --  listening to some goose-bump inducing music. Music Director Eckart Preu and his Stamford Symphony musicians offer the opportunity on July 14 in downtown Stamford, where they'll roll out a free concert that musically skips through several centuries, with works by Bach, Handel, Pachelbel, Mozart, Strauss, Sousa, and Joplin. If you've always been intimidated by this kind of music, hearing it outdoors, with musicians and listeners alike in kick back mode, might help get you on board. And you've probably heard some of it, from films or on television. "Even if you've never been to the symphony before, you'll recognize many tunes," says Preu, who adds, "The relaxed atmosphere in the park, with the restaurants nearby, makes this a unique event, and having a live orchestra on stage downtown makes this a special event for the musicians as well." And besides the stars, there's plenty of grass to picnic on. The Stamford Symphony's "Classic Pops" concert in Columbus Park, Stamford begins at 6:30 p.m. For more information, visit The Stamford Symphony's website.

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