Let's Hear it for Snakes

If your kids are fans of the furry, feathery set have them come hear Chris Evers of Animal Embassy advocate for another constituency, the slithery crowd, with his presentation, "Snakes of the World"  at Stamford Museum and Nature Center on April 29. Often misunderstood and maligned, (as Indiana Jones said, "Why'd it have to be snakes?") reptiles help balance the natural world, are remarkably diverse looking and have fascinating traits and abilities.  Plus, Evers brings some scaly friends to show off and how often do you get a chance to pet a python?

Much of what we believe -- and fear -- about snakes has been skewed by their scary representation in fiction and movies. Knowing a bit about their real story makes things more dimensional. For instance, did you know that snakes have really bad eyesight and that they smell with their tongue? (Hence, all that tongue flicking that unnerves us.) Their eyesight is so poor, they rely on their other senses for information they need about finding prey and mates and protecting themselves. And though we think of snakes as the enemy, they have quite a crowd gunning for them. Kidzone describes this group as including,  "Large birds, wild boars, mongooses, raccoons, foxes, coyotes and even other snakes are a few of the dangers snakes fall prey to." And don't forget humans, who frequently kill them or ship them to pet stores.

Whether your kids will end up pleading for a family snake or not, Chris Evers will give them an educational look at a species that they'll learn to appreciate even from afar. Admission is $8. The event begins at 6:30 p.m. For registration, call  (203) 322-1646,  ext. 6521. For more information, visit the Museum's website.

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