The opening day ceremonies mark the beginning of a three-month-long “short session,” during which only bills related to budgetary, revenue and financial matters may be considered, or bills submitted by committees on any subject.
One of the most pressing issues facing the general assembly is making adjustments to the state’s biennial budget. After a budget fix during the December special session, there is still a projected shortfall of over $507 million, and an out year deficit of over $4 billion. On Monday, House and Senate Republicans released their budget priorities for the 2016 session.
“For several years, the Connecticut House Republicans have advocated for long-term solutions to the persisting, yearly deficits our state has been experiencing. Today, that battle was joined by Governor Malloy. I was pleased to hear him address the seriously flawed way we craft budgets and his pledge to make the tough, strategic, and dauntless decisions needed to right the ship of state. While we await the details of his plan, we stand ready to collaborate with him, and our friends and colleagues across the aisle to move Connecticut forward and establish the Nutmeg State as a place to live, work, and do business in,” said Rep. Camillo.
Rep. Bocchino added, "I was happy to hear that some of the budget principles my fellow colleagues and I have put forth over the past year are finally be taken seriously. I hope that by the end of this session we will come to a conclusion that will not only put us back on track, but will hopefully make the state economically viable once again.”
The 2016 Legislative Session will adjourn May 4.
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