Foley Makes It Official, Concedes Governor's Race To Malloy

FAIRFIELD COUNTY, Conn. -- Twelve hours after he told supporters gathered at the Hyatt Regency Greenwich that he thought he lost, Republican candidate Tom Foley officially conceded the gubernatorial race.

In an email to party supporters just before 1 p.m. Wednesday, Foley thanked his supporters and blamed negative advertising for the lower-than-expected turnout in communities across the state, which hurt his vote totals.

"We did significantly better in our cities than in 2010. Net vote counts in Bridgeport increased 1,634, New Haven 1,098, and Hartford 591," Foley said in the email. "But we lost ground from 2010 in the many towns across Connecticut where relentless negative advertising kept voters at home."

Foley, a Greenwich resident, who lost by 6,400 votes to Malloy in 2010, saw his vote number dip as Malloy captured 51 percent of the vote to Foley's 48 percent this time around.

"I regret that I will not be able to deliver the dream you and I share for restoring pride and prosperity in Connecticut," he said.

"We are part of a great democracy – the United States of America. We choose our leaders through the democratic process. I am privileged to have participated in that process. We did not win, but we were on the field and fought a good game. Our ideas will be on citizens’ minds as our leaders steer us forward.  You will have an opportunity to fight for those ideas again."

Malloy had claimed victory in a 12:30 a.m. televised gathering at his Hartford election headquarters before Foley had conceded.

A few minutes later Foley in an awkward speech to his supporters at the Hyatt told them he thought he lost but wasn't conceding until the final numbers were in.

"Something a little unusual has happened. Dan Malloy has just announced that he thinks he's won the race," he said with an awkward chuckle. "The way this is supposed to work is when you have firm numbers and you know you have lost the race you are supposed to call the winner and congratulate him. But he didn't give me a chance. 

"We are actually not sure we lost the race like he is not sure he won the race," Foley said to cheers.

But Foley immediately dampened his supporters enthusiasm.

"All right, all right don't get too excited, don't get too excited because we probably have lost this race. But I am not going to confirm we lost it until we are sure we lost it. When we have done that, we will call Governor Malloy and let him know," Foley said with a couple of more awkward chuckles.

Read more about Malloy's victory speech here at the Daily Voice.

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