Fairfield's Board of Selectmen Hear Outline Of Potential Penfield Project

FAIRFIELD, Conn. -- Penfield’s Building Committee presented its final recommendation for rebuilding and restoring the storm-wrecked pavilion to the Board of Selectmen at the Nov. 5 meeting, which culminated in the preliminary approval for $4.56 million in bonding for the project.

Penfield Pavilion was moved off of its foundations during Hurricane Sandy in 2012. It had been completed in 2011. 

Although the total cost of the project will be bonded, the cost for Fairfield is expected to be offset by a 75 percent to 90 percent reimbursement from FEMA of the total cost as well as $1.75 million in insurance recovery funds, according to town Chief Financial Officer Bob Mayor.

The percent reimbursement from FEMA depends on whether it considers the project to be an improvement to Penfield Pavilion or an alteration, Mayor said.

When asked by Selectman Cristin McCarthy Vahey, Mayor said the town would not know of FEMA’s classification of the project until the application is complete, creating a financial risk.

Fairfield would receive a 90 percent of total cost reimbursement if the project is considered an improvement.

The committee, which was tasked with developing a plan to rebuild and restore the building, narrowed 11 design options down to four for final consideration.

The final design options included the repair and protection of the current pavilion (Option 1), demolition of the pavilion and site reconstruction (Option 8), demolition of the pavilion and construction of a smaller facility (Option 9) and the modification and raising of the building (Option 7).

In nearly three-hour presentation, the committee recommended Option 7.

To complete Option 7, builders will have to tear down of the east wing, demolish the exterior decks, and move the west wing into the Penfield parking lot. That's where a new concrete and time pile foundation would be built and the new steel elements installed to support the floor structure.

Penfield Pavilion’s current site would then be razed before the west wing could be moved back into place to comply with FEMA flood protection and mitigation standards.

Chair of the Penfield Building Committee James Bradley said plans for Option 7 have been approved by the town’s FEMA official as complying with all standards that would allow for the pavilion to receive funding. But resident Jan Rebar pointed out funding is still not guaranteed.

Bonding for the recommendation still requires approval by the Board of Finance and the Representative Town Meeting.

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