
Red Panda

Fairfield County's Beardsley Zoo Mourns Death Of Beloved Red Panda Rochan At Age 7 Fairfield County's Beardsley Zoo Mourns Death Of Beloved Red Panda Rochan At Age 7
Fairfield County's Beardsley Zoo Mourns Death Of Beloved Red Panda Rochan At Age 7 Connecticut is in mourning after a family member at the Beardsley Zoo in Fairfield County had to be put down amid a health scare. On Friday, Feb. 25, a spokesperson for the Bridgeport zoo announced that Rochan, a 7-year-old male red panda died the previous week after suffering health complications. Rochan was being monitored and treated for a condition affecting his ability to walk prior to his death, officials said, and an MRI found lesions on his spine, which further compromised his mobility. On Thursday, Feb. 17, “the difficult decision was made to humanely euthanize him based on quali…