
Biceps Tendonitis

Shoulder Soreness? Look To The Biceps Says ONS Doctor Shoulder Soreness? Look To The Biceps Says ONS Doctor
Shoulder Soreness? Look To The Biceps Says ONS Doctor When shoulder pain strikes, many people assume they’ve somehow injured their rotator cuff. According to Dr. Marc Kowalsky, a shoulder specialist and orthopedic surgeon with Orthopaedic & Neurosurgery Specialists, an injury to the biceps tendon can cause shoulder pain and discomfort that can be mistaken for a rotator cuff injury. “The biceps tendon is an often-misunderstood structure of the shoulder and arm,” said Kowalsky. “We now know that damage to that tendon is often the primary cause of shoulder pain in active people.” Anatomically, the biceps muscle has two tendons, called heads, …