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ONS Explores The 'Well Balanced Student Athlete' At Greenwich Summit

Did you know that as many as 75  percent of youth athletes ages 8 to 18 arrive to sports practice already dehydrated? Or that early sports specialization can do more harm than good to a child’s athletic performance? Those are just two of the topics that will be discussed at The Well Balanced Athlete, a program designed to inform coaches, parents and student athletes.

The panel discussion will be held on Tuesday, April 17 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Greenwich YMCA. 

Sports medicine physicians Dr. Marc Kowalsky and Dr. Demetris Delos of Orthopaedic & Neurosurgery Specialists and sports psychologist Dr. Alex Diaz, founder of Sports Mental Edge™ will deliver a panel discussion about the mind-body needs of today’s student athletes. Topics will include nutritional, sleep and hydration requirements, the dangers of early sport specialization, injury prevention strategies and the role mindfulness can play in helping students manage the stress of school, sports, peers and more. 

This seminar is free and open to the public, and registration is required. Please email to reserve a seat.

For more information on the services offered by Orthopaedic & Neurosurgery Specialists, click here.

ONS has offices in Greenwich and Stamford, Conn. and Harrison, N.Y.