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Donors Honored For Loyal Support Of Waveny LifeCare Network

NEW CANAAN, Conn. -- With close to 200 guests in attendance, Waveny LifeCare Network thanked 
its many contributors at its annual donor recognition reception on Thursday, Oct. 20. 

Dede and Jim Bartlett, the Jeniam Foundation and the Legacy Society inductees, Tom and Emily Nissley were honored for their long-time support, involvement and commitment to Waveny and its mission.

“In recognition of their extraordinary generosity, countless contributions to the community and valued support of Waveny, it is our honor to recognize our dear friends Dede and Jim Bartlett,” said Todd Lampert, Waveny’s Board Chair.

As key advocates for decades, the Bartletts have supported Waveny’s most critical projects and campaigns, both as contributors and influencers. They have been long-time sponsors and participants for multiple fundraising events, including Waveny’s annual golf and tennis fundraiser. They have also provided numerous grants to back humanitarian efforts at Waveny.

“Outside of Waveny, the Bartletts' history and contributions are equally as significant,” said Lampert. “Their world of service has made countless positive impacts on our community and beyond.”

Andrew Clarkson and the Jeniam Foundation were also honored. Andrew’s interest in the “practical” underpinned the success of countless operational projects at Waveny, especially those involving technology. Programs supported by the Jeniam Foundation included a digital care tracking system which laid the foundation for Waveny’s next step into paperless records through electronic medical records. Jeniam also generously provided additional grants to cover staff training associated with this transition. 

“Andrew will be forever remembered for the thousands of lives he touched, the countless organizations he helped, the community he loved and his life’s motto of 'Learn, Earn and Return,’” said Joanne Boyer, Waveny’s Director of Development. “Anyone fortunate enough to have met him is better off for having done so.”

Emily and Tom Nissley were recognized as Waveny’s newest Legacy Society inductees. The Nissleys have been long-time supporters of the organization’s key fundraising efforts throughout the years, in addition to funding grants that have bolstered Waveny’s entertainment and communications systems.

For more information about Waveny LifeCare Network, a non-profit organization that offers independent living to senior citizens, visit their website. 

This article is part of a paid Content Partnership with the advertiser, Waveny LifeCare Network. Daily Voice has no involvement in the writing of the article and the statements and opinions contained in it are solely those of the advertiser.

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