Obama Praises Malloy's Record On The Campaign Trail In Bridgeport

BRIDGEPORT, Conn. – President Barack Obama turned a protest about immigration reform into an opportunity to highlight Gov. Dannel P. Malloy’s record during a campaign rally at Central High School in Bridgeport on Sunday as he encouraged residents to get out and vote.

While speaking on Malloy’s behalf during a rescheduled campaign appearance, Obama was interrupted several times by shouting protesters demanding reform.

After the protesters were escorted out by police, Obama said, “I am sympathetic to those who are concerned about immigration, because the truth of the matter is we’re a country of immigrants. That’s why we fought for immigration reform. The Republicans blocked it. Unfortunately some folks get frustrated and they want to yell at everybody.”

“This is why elections are so important, because what we have is two very different visions of American,” Obama said. “The vision I have, and the vision Dan has, is one that embraces our differences. The other side has a very different vision.”

In addition to being interrupted by protesters, Obama was also drowned out several times throughout his speech by the very enthusiastic crowd of nearly 2,000 people who packed the gym for his appearance. Obama spoke about the economic condition Connecticut and the rest of the country was in when Malloy was first elected in 2010.

“Dan Malloy took office facing record job losses, massive deficits, the worst recession in decades,” Obama said. “He took on a tough challenge, and he made the tough calls. And while it hasn’t always been without sacrifice, there is progress here in Connecticut to be proud of.”

Obama praised Malloy for his support of Democratic initiatives such as the Affordable Care Act, increased funding for schools, and raising the minimum wage. He criticized Republican politicians who have voted against these initiatives.

“Dan believes that in America, nobody who works full time should ever have to raise their family in poverty. Not all governors believe that,” Obama said. “If we’re going to strengthen the middle class for the 21st century, then we need leaders with a 21st-century mindset.”

The afternoon also featured remarks from Central High School Principal Eric Graf, Bridgeport Mayor Bill Finch, U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy, U.S. Rep. Jim Himes, Lt. Gov. Nancy Wyman and Malloy himself.

In introducing the president, Malloy spoke about the progress Connecticut has made, saying that the state has created jobs, helped people without health insurance, and increased high school graduation rates. He criticized his opponent Tom Foley, saying he has closed businesses and has not paid federal income taxes.

“We know this is not Tom Foley’s Connecticut, this is our Connecticut,” Malloy said.

The governor also spoke of his contact with Obama after the deadly shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown in December 2012.

“He came to our state just a few days later, and he gave one of the most compelling speeches about who we are and what we are and how we can survive even the worst days of our lives. He cared about us, and he urged us on,” Malloy said.

Obama said that today’s politics can sometimes make people cynical, but that it was absolutely essential that people exercise their right to vote in this coming election.

“Cynicism never put a man on the moon. Cynicism has never won a war or cured a disease or built a business,” he said. “You’ve got to find your polling place, and then you have to take everyone you know to cast their ballot for Dan Malloy.”

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