
Chantilly Check and Convenience Store

Stickup Men Wanted After Daytime Convenience Store Armed Robbery In VA (VIDEO) Stickup Men Wanted After Daytime Convenience Store Armed Robbery In VA (VIDEO)
Stickup Men Wanted After Daytime Convenience Store Armed Robbery In VA (Video) Employees and patrons at a popular convenience store got a scare on Saturday afternoon when heavily armed robbers stormed the business in Fairfax County. The Fairfax County Police Department released video of two men who burst into Chantilly Check and Convenience Store armed with weapons at around 3:20 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 18, officials say. The armed robbers Fairfax County Police Police say that there was one person in the store at the time the two men came inside and ordered an employee to open a safe before making off with an undisclosed amount of cash. In the video, one man can …