
Erin Smith

Love Is Good Medicine For Former St. Luke's Medical Residents Love Is Good Medicine For Former St. Luke's Medical Residents
Love Is Good Medicine For Former St. Luke's Medical Residents Two hospital residents who met during a "code" emergency in 2010 are now married and serving as doctors at St. Luke's Bethlehem hospital. Erin Smith, DO, and Chuck Bendas, MD, were the targets of the mythical god of love on Thanksgiving 2010. Now they’re married and living in Center Valley and about to celebrate their 10th year of marriage and 13th year with St. Luke’s: Erin Bendas is chief of Palliative & Supportive Medicine; Chuck Bendas s a trauma/surgical critical care physician. A first-year resident, Erin said she was daunted by the gruesome code crimson that Thanksgiving day. The…