
Texas Longhorn

Texas Longhorn Bull Loose On I-83: PennDOT Texas Longhorn Bull Loose On I-83: PennDOT
Texas Longhorn Bull Loose On I-83: PennDOT A bull was "running amok" on Interstate 83, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation spokesperson Fritzi Schreffler announced on Wednesday afternoon.  The Texas Longhorn bull got loose near Exit 36 to Fishing Creek, according to Schreffler.  The bull was "quick and [had] been evading capture on the ramps, in the gore area, and on the other side by the car wash," Schreffler explained.  There was traffic disruption, not a closure as of 3:20 p.m. on July 10.  There was no word on how long it would take to wrangle the bull, but around 4:15 p.m. some men with lassos caught…