

PETA Calls For Punxsutawney Phil's Retirement, Offering Suggestions For His Replacement PETA Calls For Punxsutawney Phil's Retirement, Offering Suggestions For His Replacement
PETA Calls For Punxsutawney Phil's Retirement, Offering Suggestions For His Replacement It's nearly time to watch one of Bill Murray's most famous films and let a small animal tell us the weather, but People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is once again suggesting it is time to find a new way to celebrate Groundhog Day. In an open letter to the president of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club Jeff Lundy, PETA suggests replacing Pennsylvania’s most famous groundhog. "As you know, Phil is certainly not a real meteorologist and didn’t volunteer for this job. For far too long, he’s been dragged out of a fake tree stump and subjected to noise, flashing lights, and crowds, a…