
Theft by unlawful taking

SEXUAL SERVITUDE: Pennsylvania Officers Raped, Assaulted Same Victim For Years, DA Says SEXUAL SERVITUDE: Pennsylvania Officers Raped, Assaulted Same Victim For Years, DA Says
Sexual Servitude: Pennsylvania Officers Raped, Assaulted Same Victim For Years, DA Says An Allentown police officer and a former vice officer have been…
Estate Executor Steals $27K+ From Elder, Ephrata Police Say Estate Executor Steals $27K+ From Elder, Ephrata Police Say
Estate Executor Steals $27K+ From Elder, Ephrata Police Say An estate executor has been charged with multiple felonies in connection with a nearly…
$35K Stolen By Dentist's Employee, Gettysburg Police Say $35K Stolen By Dentist's Employee, Gettysburg Police Say
$35K Stolen By Dentist's Employee, Gettysburg Police Say A family dentistry employee stole approximately $35,000, Gettysburg Borough of Police…

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