

Central PA Man Impersonates Official, Wiretaps While Stalking: Police Central PA Man Impersonates Official, Wiretaps While Stalking: Police
Central PA Man Impersonates Official, Wiretaps While Stalking: Police A Harrisburg man is accused of stalking, wiretapping, and impersonating a public…
Cumberland County FBI Impersonator Arrested Trying To Free Prisoner: PSP Cumberland County FBI Impersonator Arrested Trying To Free Prisoner: PSP
Cumberland County FBI Impersonator Arrested Trying To Free Prisoner: PSP A woman impersonated a Federal Bureau of Investigations agent at a Central…
Fake Cop With Lights, Siren Stops Vehicle In Chester County: PSP Fake Cop With Lights, Siren Stops Vehicle In Chester County: PSP
Fake Cop With Lights, Siren Stops Vehicle In Chester County: PSP He dressed like a cop and used lights and siren to pull someone over in Chester County,…

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