
Ukraine Conflict Live 2022

Passport-Less PA Polyglot Documents Walk From Ukraine To Poland On TikTok Passport-Less PA Polyglot Documents Walk From Ukraine To Poland On TikTok
Passport-Less PA Polyglot Documents Walk From Ukraine To Poland On TikTok What does a 20-something who’s never traveled alone before do when they want to become a journalist and are interested in learning firsthand about the tensions between Russia and Ukraine? Manny Marotta, 25, of Pittsburgh, decided to fly to Ukraine and experience what impending war is really like. I feel bad for my parents: their son has made a unilateral and impulsive decision to go document the current most dangerous place on earth. The next 30 days are going to be a nonstop heart attack for them. But I can’t wait to prove them wrong when I come home safely. — Manny Marotta (@MannyMar…