
Willowbrook Mall

Fleeing Mall Suspect Caught After Ordering Uber: Wayne PD Fleeing Mall Suspect Caught After Ordering Uber: Wayne PD
Fleeing Mall Suspect Caught After Ordering Uber: Wayne PD A suspect who ran from a Wayne police officer at the Willowbrook Mall got tripped up when he called for an Uber, authorities said. A mall security guard had flagged down Officer William Hall following shoplifting from the Pac Sun clothing store shortly before 6 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 15, Detective Capt. Dan Daly said. The officer approached Khaalil Tariq Branch, 29, of Philadelphia, who “feigned that he was looking for identification and suddenly ran through the parking lot,” the captain said. Hall chased Branch to Willowbrook Boulevard and onto Riverside Drive before he and Officer Matthew Ber…