
30 Distribution Drive

Burglar Doesn't Make 'Best' Employee Stealing $14K In Merch From PA Nordstrom: Police Burglar Doesn't Make 'Best' Employee Stealing $14K In Merch From PA Nordstrom: Police
Burglar Doesn't Make 'Best' Employee Stealing $14K In Merch From PA Nordstrom: Police A convicted burglar with a history of driving under the influence and drug use was working at Nordstrom North East Fulfillment Center— that is until he stole $14,000 in merchandise, authorities say and court records detail. The person at Nordstrom who took a chance and hired the 46-year-old former convict, Anthony Best, probably wasn't having the "best" day when he was caught stealing the merchandise from the warehouse located at 30 Distribution Drive in Lancaster, as detailed in the police release.  Certain not the center's "best" employee, Best was arrested on Feb. 24 at 11…