
100 block of Guilder Place, Warwick Township, PA

Sleeping Baby Shot At By Lititz 'Squirrel' Hunter: Police Sleeping Baby Shot At By Lititz 'Squirrel' Hunter: Police
Sleeping Baby Shot At By Lititz 'Squirrel' Hunter: Police A 24-year-old man shooting at a squirrel fired his gun into a nursery where a baby was sleeping in its crib, authorities announced in a release on Monday, March 6, 2023.  Dakota Leonel Johnson-Ortiz of 6 Windwood Place, Lititz later admitted to shooting a squirrel in the area at the same time the shot was heard, according to the release.  A neighbor heard a gunshot and told a parent living in the 100 block of Guilder Place in Warwick Township who called the police after they entered their sleeping baby's nursery and found debris on the floor as well as "dust and debris f…