
University of Maryland

The Cicadas Are Coming! Here's When To Expect Billions Of These Red-Eyed Insects In Region The Cicadas Are Coming! Here's When To Expect Billions Of These Red-Eyed Insects In Region
The Cicadas Are Coming! Here's When To Expect Billions Of These Red-Eyed Insects In Region Billions of periodical cicadas are preparing to emerge from underground and make their way into the area after their customary years-long slumber. Brood X cicadas - also known as the Great Eastern Brood or the “Big Brood” - is expected to begin emerging across the southern part of the country before making its way up the East Coast at the beginning of spring. The sounds of summer may be a little louder this year as the Brood emerges and joins annual cicadas that make their presence known every year when the weather warms up. Other periodical groups of red-eyed cicadas emerge every 11 or 13…
What Happened To The COVID-19 Quarantine Baby Boom? What Happened To The COVID-19 Quarantine Baby Boom?
What Happened To The Covid-19 Quarantine Baby Boom? When the COVID-19 pandemic hit and people were forced to stay home to reduce the virus’ spread, many people predicted a quarantine-inspired baby boom. Instead, we’re seeing a baby bust. According to states that track their birth rates in realtime, reported a decline in births from December 2020 compared to December 2019. In Florida, the birth rate is down 8 percent, while it’s down 7 percent in Ohio, according to NECN. With 9 months to gestate, babies conceived after the mid-March economic lockdown would start being born in December. Research by Philip Cohen at the University of Maryla…
COVID-19: Here's When Most Americans Think It Will Be Safe For Large Gatherings, New Poll Shows COVID-19: Here's When Most Americans Think It Will Be Safe For Large Gatherings, New Poll Shows
Covid-19: Here's When Most Americans Think It Will Be Safe For Large Gatherings, New Poll Shows A new poll found that most Americans believe it could be months before the country reopens amid the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The Washington Post and the University of Maryland’s Center for Democracy and Civic Engagement found that most people think it will be at least June or longer before it’s safe for large gatherings to occur. According to the poll regarding when gatherings of at least 10 people will be safe to take place, just 10 percent predicted it would be safe by the end of April, while 21 percent thought it would take until the end of May. More than double that numbe…